Update v3.8

2023-03-14 23:25:14

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Hi frens!

A new upgrade of the website has been rolled out, and is now live. This update includes task improvements, UI upgrades, bug fixes amongst other things. Here are a few of the modifications:

1. Implementation of social job system

Who doesn't like more ways to earn? No one ever! So we're rolling out an additional method to earn more coins easily — social jobs!

As the name implies, it involves completion of various tasks across a handful of social media channels. Typically, these tasks can include: retweets of specific tweets from our Twitter page; writing a detailed review about our website on Trustpilot; making a tweet/post & recommending our website within etc.

social job
Social jobs!

A description of the task's requirement, the reward amount and other relevant details will be outlined in the social jobs page per task. Jump in and earn more coins!

2. Implementation of status page

A website's uptime, downtime, performance data, and incident notices or reports are all displayed on a status page. It is frequently referred to as an outage tracker to keep users or website visitors informed on the status of the website. Say bye bye to uncertainty by ushering in our status page!

Status Page
Say hello to our status page!

We have experienced a few downtimes in the past which caused undue panic all within a very short timeframe. With the new status page, one can always check the performance metrics of various functionalities of the website in real-time! To check it out, go to: status.faucetcrypto.com

3. Addition of social media card

The dashboard has also received a facelift: We have gotten rid of the permanently pinned messages that mentioned our Twitter & Telegram pages (ehh, it got boring, didn't it?). Now, you'll see a magestically curated social media card in the dashboard page alongside the Task Activity & Task Income cards.

Social media cards
Social media channels

Simply click on any of the logos to zap your way into the respective social media page of ours — Twitter or Telegram.

4. Dashboard notification for giveaway prize/reward

Winning a giveaway/contest is one thing, getting a notification regarding your prize is another. Previously, this feature was unavailable and winners had to be manually notified when their prize/reward had been sent out. In this update, we have implemented a notification system distinctly for this, as such if you're a winner of future giveaways/contest, you'll see a notification in your dashboard once the prize had been sent out to your account.

5. Improved notification design (coloured text, reward & EXP earned breakdown)

Impressive colours have been adapted to the notification messages, bringing elegance into the equation for every task you successfully complete. The name of the offerwall provider, coin reward & EXP value earned from a completed task are now highlighted in purple, yellow and green respectively.

redesigned notification
Redesigned notification. Spot the differences!

6. Increased minimum level required to access the Vote/Polls section

The Vote/Polls section made a grand return and was re-added in v3.7 (on 19th November, 2022), but a little change comes it way in this update. This particular section is strictly for offering suggestions for the improvement of the website, however since being re-added, it had mostly been ran down with irrelevant post/comments/suggestions (many of which broke the rules set mainly for the section). As such, the minimum level required for accessing the Vote/Polls section have been increased to Lvl 200.

7. Fixed issue causing account ban reason not to show

For the users on the bad side of our books who had been rightfully banned, an issue arose which caused the ban reason on the login page to state "No reason". This has been addressed in this update and the reasons will show up fine & clear as day.

Our auto-detector & anti-cheat mechanisms are versatile and optimally functional, thus we'd also like to appeal that you do not break any of the terms stated in our Terms of Service. If you haven't read the terms at all, you can read it here.

Other upgrades & fixes include:

  • Updated icons font

  • Improved VPN detection system

  • Removed the bottom advertisement banner

  • Fixed issue causing Offerwalls not to be unlocked at the minimum level required for it (Lvl 15)

  • Fixed overlapping of notification bubble

  • Fixed issue resulting in the ability to purchase a fraction of a PTC view

  • Fixed wrong item activation in Inventory (this occurred when items were filtered before activation/usage)

  • Fixed sidebar modal autoclosing while on mobile device (this issue was notable when trying to view the vote/poll section on mobile)

A lot of effort was put into this update in other to provide you with the most beautiful & convenient faucet experience ever known. If you face any issues, kindly let us know by opening a support ticket on the website.

Best regards,

FaucetCrypto.com Team